Wednesday, May 12, 2004

MP at 40

And the best news all day, you ask? The upcoming release of the 40th Anniversary 'Mary Poppins' soundtrack, courtesy of Walt Disney Records. As many of you know, I teeter on the edge of obsession with this film. And, via the magic of the repeat button on my son's CD player, he, too, is dangerously close by virtue of track 14 on the 35th Anniversary soundtrack, 'Step in Time'. (How obsessed am I? Take a look; many of you know me by my alter ego.)

What's so remarkable about a bulletin board group, you ask? Well, the person who responded to my post actually happens to be the person responsible for the aforementioned 40th release at Walt Disney Records. Pretty cool, if you ask me. I think I've been pushed down the face of the obsession cliff. Look out below!

'Sister Suffragette'
Is mine. 'Step in Time' is his.
What? Our favorites.

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