Sunday, February 23, 2003

Snow last night with a total accumulation of 6". That makes it 40"+ for this winter with no relief in site. The hardest thing to get used to in the midwest is the wind. In the mid-atlantic area you've got this nice, natural windbreak called the Appalachian mountains. Not so here. The only windbreak as far as the eye can see (and those would be really good eyes) is the Rockies. That wind caused difting of up to 1 ft. and made shoveling this morning a real treat. This is definitely the winter for SUVs and snowblowers. Alas, I have neither. Fortunately, front wheel drive and a nice snow shovel have worked so far.

Tax preparation day and another wash. The $100 from the feds almost offsets the $150 owed to the state. I will be thrilled once the new house is completed and we can claim mortgage deductions on next year's return. Speaking of the house, we're only a month or so away from closing. That should be a trip.

Sites of interest: The man doesn't stop and is a show not to be missed.
Another man who doesn't (and, perhaps, can't) stop and is the current king of Las Vegas.
The man who started with radio jingles, became Bette Midler's music director, and then, who knew?

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