Friday, November 19, 2004

On this day. . .

We are frequently saturated with "On this day. . ." type of remembrances; we hear them on the radio and see them in the media with great regularity. I usually tune these out as nothing more than white noise but I do try to listen to the "On this day. . ." segment of 'Writer's Almanac'.

So, with out further ado, on this day in 1863, President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg address. I won't place the text here (many of you know I'm an ardent fan of the 16th President and his writings in particular) but I will post several links detailing information about the address.

Also, a recycled haiku for today:

I wish now we heard
Political discourse
Like Abraham Lincoln's.

The only known photograph of the President at the address

The 'official' website (check out the copyrights at the bottom)
A bit of modern-day technology humor related to the address
Ben's Guide for kids (wasn't he dead?)
NPR's excellent article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i won an essay contest in the 4th grade for an article i wrote about honest abe. he was my favorite president and in the paper i explained why he was so noble and before his time.
