Friday, July 30, 2010

Worth the Read

If you've never read Atul Gawande it may be due to the following: 1. Gawande is a medical doctor; 2. You don't particularly care for healthcare articles; or, 3.) You don't like the New Yorker. (Shame on you if it's 3.)

I don't particularly care if you read an Atul Gawande article again in your life provided you take the time to actually read this one. Please do it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How I Survived the Various Apocalypses

My favorite is the 'Game Show Host Apocalypse':

Game Show Host Apocalypse
Got cornered by several of these fiends in an underground parking garage. Thought it was the end for me, but instinctively I recited a bio including my name, occupation, hobbies, and a tedious anecdote. I ran off to safety as they debated among themselves whether to eat my face or give me an all-expenses-paid trip to the Bahamas. 
Thank goodness for the National Guard. Many more here, courtesy of TMN